
Post-fire bush regeneration resources

Post-fire bush regeneration resources

The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators is building an online portal of helpful material about post-fire bush regeneration and ecological weed management after the wildfires of summer 2019-20. Learn about the importance of weeding and locate volunteers to assist your efforts.

Re-imagining conservation in our rapidly changing world

Re-imagining conservation in our rapidly changing world

Our health is inextricably linked with the health of our environment. Tandi Spencer-Smith addresses the need re-imagine conservation and lead the change needed to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis, while ensuring the health-culture-nature connection is front and centre.

Native Fauna of the GBMWHA

Native Fauna of the GBMWHA

Judy and Peter Smith have prepared four annotated checklists of vertebrate fauna in the GBMWHA, covering native mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs. The checklists indicate that at least 423 native terrestrial vertebrate fauna species have been recorded in the GBMWHA.

Entire hillsides of trees turned brown this summer

Entire hillsides of trees turned brown this summer

Is it the start of ecosystem collapse? The drought in Australia was a significant driver of the summer bushfires. But it also caused another, less well known environmental calamity: entire hillsides of trees turned from green to brown.

The (re)Generation Project: back to nature

The (re)Generation Project: back to nature

The (re)Generation Project is a Macquarie University youth research initiative, exploring ways to engage and inspire young people to get back to nature. The project helps participants craft stories about the people and places that keep them connected to nature into short films.

Seven billion burnt trees

Seven billion burnt trees

Half a billion animals, now likely to be closer to a billion. Millions of acres, thousands of homes, 33 human lives. I follow these, I feel these, and a voice in the back of my head asks ‘how many trees, how many shrubs? How many plants?’. Read more from Georgina Reid on The Plant Hunter.