View: Upland Swamps Decision Support Platform Demonstration

The Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute received a grant in 2020 from the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources to:

  • Develop a scientifically robust Upland Swamp monitoring methodology

  • Implement a monitoring, data collection & analysis program

  • Develop an online platform to share this data and provide end-users with an early warning system and a decision support tool for the management and remediation of upland swamps.

On December 9th, 2021 we held a workshop to demonstrate the first development iteration of the online data-sharing, early warning and decision support platform.

The purpose of the workshop was to showcase the current capability and potential of the platform as well as engage end-users and stakeholders in prioritising early-warning and decision support needs for the future development of the platform.

View the recording of the workshop below:


The project web page:

The online decision support tool in development:

The open source github development portal: