About our board


A/Prof. Archibald John MERSON

Executive Director, Independent Director, Appointed:12 May 2004

Qualifications: MSc, PhD (UNSW)

Experience: A/Prof Merson was Executive Director of BMWHI Ltd from 2004-2008 and again from 2012-2014. He was the Director of the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of New South Wales between 2009-2011, and was the Coordinator of the Graduate Research Program in Environment Policy and Management at UNSW. He is presently an Hon A/Professor in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies at UNSW. He is one of the founding Directors of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute Ltd, and has been a consultant to UNESCO, APEC, IUCN and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs.

He was a member of the Australia Indonesia Steering Committee on Science and Technology, and the Australiana Korea Forum. He is the author of six books and a wide range of academic papers and research covering issues of Environmental and development, Adaptive Environmental Policy and Management and Climate Change Adaptation and mitigation. For his journalistic work, he is the recipient of a United Nations Media Peace Prize.